Deluxe Cruises

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Berlin, Germany

Service on Land
 and at Sea

(844-442-7847): Best Price and Finest Service in Luxury Cruises

Stop off in thriving Rostock, with its Gothic churches and Baroque town hall, for a fascinating journey to Berlin, Germany's historic capital. Relive the dramatic moments of the Berlin Airlift and German Reunification at the Brandenburg Gate, visit the incomparable art of the Museuminsel, or wander among the shops and cafés of the Kurfürstendamm and Unter den Linden, two of the city's historic boulevards.
  Potsdam is an incredible suburb, with Frederick the Great's Sans Souci and Neues Palais (New Palace).

Crystal Cruises - Crystal Harmony - Crystal Serenity - Crystal Symphony

Crystal Cruises - Crystal Harmony - Crystal Serenity - Crystal Symphony

Crystal Cruises - Crystal Harmony - Crystal Serenity - Crystal Symphony

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